Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi. Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa. Hidup ini terasa indah jika ada maaf. Taqabalallahu Minna Waminkum ..Sepuluh jari kutangkupkan Maaf Lahir Bathin kupohonkan Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum Minal Aidin wal Faidzin Teman yang jauh terasa dekat Teman yang dekat semakin dekat Lewat sms ku ucapka
n kata Mohon maaf atas segala salah dan dosa Sayup terdengar takbir berkumandang Tanda Ramadhan akan lewat Ampunan diharap, barokah didapat Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin Ucapan selamat idul fitri bahasa inggris: Bryan Adams said “Please Forgive Me ..” Rio Febrian said ” ooo .. Maaf, maafkan diriku .. ” Ruben Studdard said “Well this is my sorry for 2013.” Yuni Shara said “Mengapa tiada maaf bagiku.” Elton John said “Sorry seems to be the hardest word.” Mpok Minah said “Maaf .. bukannya saya ngak ngerti .. bukannya saya nggak sopan .. ” I said “Minal Aidin wal faizin ..” One day ago, I could see you anxious waiting for this day One week ago, I saw you longing for the dusk to end the day One month ago, you were there waiting for the Ramadhan to stand And right one year ago, you were beside me rejoicing on the day of grande It s me your friend with the rest of my family Wishing you another blessed Idul Fitri. LET’S write all the mistakes down in the sand and let the wind of forgiveness erase it away Happy Idul Fitri! I met Iman, Taqwa, Patience, Peace, Joy, Love, Health & Wealth today. They need a permanent place to stay. I gave them your address. Hope they arrived safely to celebrate Idul Fitri with you. May Allah bless you and your family. Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. May you have all of the three. Happy Iedul Fitri

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